Frequently Asked Questions
Is Fez Travel just a bus service?
What is hop on hop off?
Does the Fez bus pass include accommodation?
What is an offsider on the Fez bus?
How long should I spend in Turkey on the Fez bus?
What is the average age of your customers?
What is a Single Supplement?
1. Is Fez Travel just a bus service?NO! - Fez Travel is a tour operator and a travel agency with tours covering both Turkey and Greece. We are one of the leading tour operators for ANZAC day and also operate the only hop-on hop-off flexible bus network in Turkey - the Fez Bus.
In addition to our scheduled tours, we operate tailor-made tours that cater for a variety of special interest requests including cultural, study, religious and adventure tours, with hostel to 5-star services and accommodation. We also sell the cheapest flights from Istanbul to anywhere in the world.
2. What is hop on hop off?The Fez hop-on hop-off bus is a popular bus service pitched at budget travellers and backpackers. It is designed for those wishing to see a little or a lot of Turkey. A pass is valid all season (25 April - 27 October). The buses depart from Istanbul every two days and can pick you up at any of our designated pick up points around the circuit every two days.
3. Does the Fez bus pass include accommodation?No. Although your onboard offsider can arrange your accommodation, you must pay for it yourself upon arrival at your hostel or pension of choice.
4. What is an offsider on the Fez bus?An offsider is an onboard tour leader who is on the Fez bus with you, while traveling around the circuit. The offsider is there to help with booking your accommodation, tours and anything else you may need assistance with.
5. How long should I spend in Turkey on the Fez bus?We recommend a minimum of three weeks, however, if you are on limited time, the minimum you can complete the circuit on the Fez bus is 9 days.
6. The Fez bus doesn't go to Pamukkale, how do I get there?The easiest way to get to Pamakkale is from Selcuk. The onboard offsider will help you with any day tours, or advise on how to catch a local bus to Pamukkale and back.
7. What is the average age of your customers?The age of our clients ranges from the young to the young at heart! Our customers come from all walks of life, so our itineraries are deliberately flexible covering a wide variety of personal interests to maximize our client's satisfaction.
8. What is a Single Supplement?Tour accommodation is based on a share basis. This means that single travelers are placed in rooms with other single travellers of the same sex. If you want your own single room, you must pay the Single Supplement.
With pre and post tour accommodation we are unable to provide share accommdoation and so on pre and post tour accommodation singel travellers must pay Single Supplement.
9. Anymore questions?Email us at